Tuesday, 18 April 2006

Tanks with a Twist

Time to turn on the a/c! I am finally feeling the heat. Time to wear all those pretty skirts and shorts! One of my staples in spring/summer are tanks. They are simple and versatile, they look good (thats ALL the girls on ANTM always wear) and you can wear it without having to switch to a strapless bra! Although they do tend to be thin, so make sure you wear a nude color bra so it doesn't show through-THAT is not sexy. But as nice as they are, the plain tanks do get old. So here are a few cute tanks with a twist.

Attracted by the "sale" sign outside Express, I went in hoping to find some great bargains. But alas, there were no bargains. There were however, some very cute tanks very innovatively trimmed with lace and chains. The first one here sports a lace strap and back, while the one on the right has lace on the side.

The grey one has lace down the center and the black one has chains dangling from it. Not huge elaborate changes, but enough to give simple tanks a bit of a twist. I definitely have my eyes on this collection.

I also like this lacy blue one from Abercrombie. It just adds girliness to the otherwise boyish tank. Beads on the neckline, like this white one from Forever 21, is also a nice addition.

Even more subtle is this grey one from Esprit, you cannot even see the beads on the neckline unless you zoom in on it. And I absolutely ADORE this diamond clasp strap from AX! Makes it instantly dressy and feminine.

Graphic tanks are also a good idea for a casual day out. There is this very romantic cherry blossom from Urban Outfitters or this very cool one with the guns (I love this one) from Sparkles. And the best thing about all these tanks is that they are all $34 or less!

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