The aim is to choose a book that you normally wouldn't choose. This does not mean you only read this book this summer and ignore the books you normally like reading. Nor does it mean picking up some random thick book and forcing yourself to read it. Choose a book that actually interests you; a book that you've always wanted to read but you haven't had the time to; a book that challenges you in some ways. Now I'm not saying we should all completely not read chick lits this summer, but it's fun to try something different every now and then, you know.
For myself, I chose The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath. I admit I really don't appreciate, nor understand most poetry. But Sylvia Plath's poems are the only poems I actually sort of understand and genuinely love. And Sylvia Plath herself fascinates me. We all know she was a depressed person, but was she always like that? How did she feel and react to things and events around her? This book basically consists of 12 journals Plath wrote, including two that were just released a few years ago. I just love reading about successful females.
So go set yourself an aim and let us know what it is!