To: Annmarie, Neil
So my brothers stag is fancy dress and I'm thinking drag, have done some research and I'm wondering do these shoes say:
a) Practical yet up market; ideal for the gay-about-town
b) White trash winner
N.B: stag is in the North so I may need to run in these.
From: Neil
To: Andy, Annmarie
Loving them, the elastoplast really adds a classy touch. Only thing is they really fall into the category of any-occasion-wear, would have thought you'd want to bling it up a little for the big night?
From: Annmarie
To: Andy, Neil
OK - honestly I think the crystal embellishments are fab - very f*ck-the-recession and a great nod to the opulence of the 80s. Alexis Carrington Colby Dexter better de-lamé and move over. I do wince however at the perspex - a bit Stringfellows. Also, what's the dilly-o with the band-aids as velcro? If you are running from potential political strife that could prove problematic. Don't see much adhesive qualities there.
My advice is to opt for a big-ass ankle boot with a small platform at the front. This means you can rock out some bitchin' heels without the pain on the ball of the foot. Go all out Balmain with leather straps or go to A Rubanesque in Powerscourt and order a ream of feathers that you can stitch or Wundaweb onto the front of the boot. Very Margiela. Au sauvage even.
From: Neil
To: Andy, Annmarie
ROFL. I can see Andy being chased now with a ream of feathers scuttling down the Shankill Road. Actually I suspect that's a scenario he'd enjoy!