I had a big meeting on Thursday. Given said meeting, I did my own manicure the night before. By that I mean, I slapped on two coats of Rimmel '60 seconds' and tried making a cup of tea. Needless to say there were some technical difficulties. Don't get me started on the sheet marks. Anyhoo, between the jigs and the reels, I was running about Dublin trying to find a manicurist that could desmudge me on the fly. I thought all was lost until I hit up
Dylan Bradshaw's new funky sci-fi palace on South William Street. Lauren sorted my talons out with a Leighton Denny express manicure (€25 for 20 minutes) which included a file, polish and much-needed cuticle work. Given the drama-rama I had with a certain Dublin manicurist back in
November, I was overjoyed with my results. I'm surprised I actually got through the meeting as I kept gawking at my fabulous new fingers. What's more,
the salon offers a loyalty card where you get your 5th treatment free. I'll definitely be back - this time for the three-week manicure (€70) and to purchase a bottle of the new Leighton Denny beige polish (out April 11th). In the meantime, I'll be waving, holding up placards, making Lady Gaga V gestures and generally brandishing my enhanced digits. Heck, I might even flip someone the bird.
56 sth William Street, Dublin 2