Tuesday, 30 August 2005

Say no to Jessica Simpson

Having just been to the States, it is really quite frightful of how... Jessica-Simpsony the country has become: on the covers of countless tabloids and magazines, her Dessert Beauty in Sephora and Claires, doing promotion for Proactiv skincare range, in the cinemas for Duke of Hazards, on the radio for her crappy songs, and of course, her fashion line.

Quoted from the Vogue website: 'Jessica Simpson has struck a $15 million deal with a licensing group this week that she hopes will expand her fashion and accessories brand.' Like EWW!! As if there's not enough Jessica Simpson around. And why why why does she have to overstep her celebrity boundary and enter the designer world, when she obviously has no such talents. What ever happened to that Jessica Simpson who used to be so real?

Vogue quote continues: 'Anna Wintour is unfazed by the threat of world Simpsonisation, however. "The customer who is really interested in fashion is sophisticated," the editor of US Vogue told The Wall Street Journal recently. "She will take a Marc Jacobs over a Jessica Simpson every time."'

Hip hip horray for Anna Wintour's excellent words. This is why I love Anna Wintour so much -she always comes up with such fabulous quotes. I cannot agree more with Wintour: If you have a true fashion soul, then you will most definately choose a REAL desginer over a celebrity designer anyday and everyday.

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