Thursday, 8 December 2005

America's Top Model Quits Modelling

~phew~ I'm finally done with finals and am back in the world of fashion. So it seems that America's Next Top Model's, "Top Model," Tyra Banks, is going to quit modelling. And if you ask me, the timing couldn't be better.

She looks fabulous, she got to choose which stunning outfit to wear on her last runway (a rare treat) and everyone knows who she is! And for a 32 year old model, what better way is there to retire from modelling? As she said wanted in her interview with the AP, she's leaving on top. Better to have a dramatic halt to a dazzling career than fading into anonymity as you grow old and beauty and youth fails you, right?

And honestly, its no big loss to us. She hasn't been on the runway for some time anyway. In fact, if it wasn't for her show, America's Next Top Model, I don't even think I'd know who she is! And I don't think this is just me either. It applies to all those who were not "fashion aware" in the early 90's-when her modelling career was "kicking off"-as well.

So for those who don't know, in the 90's she was featured on many magazine covers. And more importantly, the Sports Illustrated's Swimsuit Issue cover, which I do believe is a very sought after cover to be on (wasn't there a show some time ago about a competition to be on the cover of it?) And of course, she is in the Victoria's Secret catalog. She also recieved a Michael Award (apparently the "Oscars of fashion")for "Supermodel of the Year."
But since ANTM is still running and her talking show career is just kicking off- I don't think we will "miss" her much at all in her "retirement".

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