Wednesday, 29 March 2006

Short Hair

After having the same hairstyle for the last 5 years, I was ready for something new. At first, I thought I'd try a shorter hairstyle. Short short hair a la Sienna Miller and Kiera Knightley was suggested.

But as effortlessly chic as they look, it is just a little bit too daring for me. In the end, inspiration came in the form of . . SHOCK. . . Nicole Richie!

She's not exactly my fashion icon, but one must admit that she does look good with short layered kind of bob hairstyle (and her outfits are vastly improved thanks to Rachel Zoe). And the length is just perfect, since its short enough to be different but not so short as to be too shocking to my delicate constitution. There is also such flexibility, as her hair looks great natural, straight AND curly (although not everyone has a personal hairstylist at their disposal all the time).

Alas, Vince, my fabulous hairdresser at the Aveda salon London, made me see the error in my logic.

a) Her face shape is small and angular, so it does not suit all face shapes. I have an oval shaped face, so technically I should fit everything, but I'm still a bit skeptical about it. . .

b) But more importantly, she's blonde and has highlights, which gives the hairstyle texture and shape. If you, like me, are not blonde and have very defined highlights, then the haircut will just turn out to be a boring bob despite all the layerings. Such wisdom. (Note that Sienna and Kiera also has highlights to define their hairstyle)

In the end, Vince layered my hair a LOT, giving it more texture and movement, while keeping it long. Then, he straightened my hair with a flat iron. The end result was sleek and fun. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE my new hair style. Its different but still very me. Unfortunately, the difference is less prominent naturally. Now I'm actually considering permanently straightened so I can look sleek and fabulous everyday!

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