Sunday, 23 April 2006

Changes in Grey's Anatomy

I remember when I first watched Grey's Anatomy, I was so impressed how realistic the makeup was: Everyone’s hair looked normal and all the interns actually looked tired at the end of each episode, (thanks so their 48 hrs shifts.) I mean, Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) and Cristina (Sandra Oh) actually had slight dark circles! How rare is it that you see thirty-something actresses on American TV look anything less than perfect?

From Episode 101:

But is it just me or have they suddenly looked prettier in this season (Season 2)? For starters, Meredith obviously had professionally blown-dry hair –see Episode 221 if you don’t believe me. Her hair was perfectly layered and moved beautifully around her throughout the episode! From Episode 221:

And in the episode two weeks ago (Episode 222), her hair was even curled, and again, stayed so perfect to the end. From Episode 222:

f you observe carefully, there are no dark circles under any of the interns’ eyes anymore. Hmm, maybe they’ve simply gotten used to the long shifts. Oh, and has anyone noticed there is virtually NO medical stuff in the show anymore? It's all about drama these days. Thank goodness we still have House for interesting medical stuff!

Even though I do like looking at beautiful people on tv, it’s even better to see slightly more realistic looks. Bring the tired looks from Season 1 back!

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