Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Graduation Fashion I

Its the graduation time of the year again! I used to think that the only fashionable thing one needs for graduation is a fabulous pair of shoes-after all, isn't that the only thing one can see with the long black graduation gown?

Boy was I wrong. During dinner with some graduating friends the topicof what to wear on graduation came up. The first question was, pants or dress? Since I've never been to a graduation, I don't have any first hand experience on what is the norm. But while wearing pants underneath may look good (or so I heard), college graduation IS one of the most important events of one's life,and one should celebrate it with a fabulous dress. Besides, at some point one will probably take the gown off and take pictures in your dress!

That settled, we moved onto what kind of dress one should wear. The ceremony is in the day time, so you probably don't want to wear something that is shiny and too evening. On the other hand, you don't want to be wearing a dress so casual that you might as well be strolling in the mall. Nor do you want to be too revealing, this IS graduation. The trick is to find a balance between casual and formal. And since the gown is black already, you don't want to wear anything black either. Here are a few of our ideas:

My first instinct was too go for a pretty white eyelet dress. Something like this dress from ABS. Mostly this is because I wore a white eyelet ABS dress to my high school graduation and hence I shall forever link white eyelet dresses with graduation. But also becausse the style is pretty, classic, formal yet casual and summery- perfect for graduation. However, this might be a little too girly, innocent looking and classic for some. So moving along....

. . there is this simple printed nuetral colored summer dress from Burberry. It fits the occasion and is more sophisticated and elegant. Definitely a winner.

In fact, my friend bought something very similar from BCBG (above). Here, instead of print, there is floral pattern and black trimming, making the dress more interesting. You don't want something too plain and classic afer all, this is a memorable day!

And speaking of not boring, the dress Rory wore to Logan's graduation comes to mind. The GORGEOUS Marc by Marc Jacob's dresses this season (especially the vibrant silk ones-like the one above) are perfect. They are vibrant, bold, exciting and totally unforgettable- just what graduation should be! Plus its very photogenic against the green grass background!

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