It took them a while to come out over here in the cinema, but I finally managed to see it. And boy am I glad I did. With all the excitement, action and adventure, this is definitely a movie to be watched on the big screen.
The thing I loved most about this movie (besides the very hot Orli of course) is the fact that it doesn't even feel like a sequel (which is good because sequels are almost always worse). It feels more like a natural continuation of the first movie. It continues to be exciting, scary and incredibly funny at the same time.
This time the adventure takes us to Davy Jones, who is a very slimy human/sea creature that dominates the sea with even more slimy and skeletal looking minions. One of whom is Will's dad. So the reunion is all very touching. They set out to defeat Davy Jones and ends the movie with a cliff hanger!
As usual, Orli was hot and Johnny Depp was an incredible actor. He's just SOOOO funny and comedic. I love him. And isn't that make-up amazing? I can hardly recognize the Johnny Depp in Captain Jack Sparrow!

Of course there is the ever gorgeous Elizabeth Swann. She's quite the devious fighter in this movie. And is it just me, or does her face look rounder than before? Less gaunt? But either way, she looks fabulous.
Overall, I LOVE this movie and if you haven't already, you must all go see it!