Even here on the Burberry Prorsum runway, the same hat looks so different from one model to another. It looks SO much better on Gemma (left) than on Hye Park (right). Maybe its the head shape, I have the same problem. I found a similar hat and it looked awful on me, which is just too bad, because this picture of Gemma is what inspired to me write this blog and go look for a cool slouchy looking beanie like that to begin with. Perhaps I haven't found the right one yet?
Other hats from Burberry Prorsum. She looks cute with that navy ridged beanie with a cap thing (left) but I can't quite see it looking good on people in the streets. Sasha (right) looks kind of scary here, but its probably just her expression. That beanie doesn't look too bad on her.
On the Marc by Marc Jacob's runway we have these wider rimmed hats. I rather like the wide rimmed beanie thing he has there (left). She looks effortlessly cool there. Then there is the patent leather fisherman hat thing (right). It looks alright, but I think I've gotten over the whole fisherman hat thing back a few years ago and am not ready for it to come back yet.
And these two pictures are the ones that sometime makes me doubt whether the designers have tried the whole outfit on the model properly before letting them on the runway. Because she looks dreary and childish with that droopy white hat (left: burberry prorsum) usually seen on an enfant and she just looks too old to be wearing that cutesy cap thing(right: J Mendel).
And some trends are just destined to remain on the runway. I love the Balenciaga FW06 collection and all, but if I see someone on the streets wearing this, I will laugh so hard.
Tuesday, 28 November 2006
FW06 Trend: Winter Hats
I was about to devote a blog on how much I love all the winter beanies just floating around everywhere this season and recommend a few that I liked. But then I went out and tried on a few and it occured to me that winter beanies are just about the hardest thing for anyone to wear- especially the ones this season! They looked so different on me than on the mannequin (and the next girl) that I realised that one simply cannot tell from pictures whether a hat is cool of not.
Blog Archive
- Nara Camicie
- FW06 Bag Trend: The Hip Ones
- FW06 Trend: Winter Hats
- This Week HG is Loving...
- BG's Paris Diary: Week 8
- Mademoiselle Parasuco
- FW06 Trend: Ankle Boots
- BG's Paris Diary Week 7: Part II
- 3rd Annual CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Prize
- This Week BG is Loving. . .
- BG's Paris Diary Week 7: Part I
- The Non-Photographic-Looking Ads
- FW06 Trend: Bags With Shoulder Straps
- FW06 IT Denim Brands
- Wear Jeans the FW06 Way
- This Week HG Is Loving...
- Marie Antoinette
- FW06 Trend: Plaid on the Streets
- British Vogue Dec 2006: Happy 90th Birthday!
- FW06 Trend: Plaid on the Runway
- This Week BG is Loving. . .
- The British Fashion Awards 2006
- BG's Paris Diary Week 5
- Splashes of Red
- Halloween 06 Special: The Corpse Look