Friday saw the watershed in my month-long
Meditech trial. After six 1.5-2 hour cellulite-blasting sessions, I got to see the 'before' and 'after' photos side by side. I have to say, I'm impressed in more ways than one. Not only have I lost 2.5 inches off the widest part of my thigh and 2 inches from the mid but my general skintone (no more blotchy pinkness) has improved along with the unsightly dimpling. Weirdly enough, my knees even look like they've had a lift! Friday's body wrap saw another overall loss of 3 cms between both legs which if continues, means I will have dropped an estimated total of 3 inches from each top thigh, 2.5 from the mid and about .5 from the knee. Now a mathematician I am not but suffice to say, I look thinner!
Meditech Clinics, 29 Fitzwilliam St Upr, Dublin 2; 01 678 9920