to Annmarie, Neil
8:04 AM
Read this on a blog;
Last Thursday Vic Mizzy, the songwriter behind The Addams Family theme tune, died at the age of 93.
Obviously the family of the President of Spain were mourning his passing when they recently met the Obamas.

to Annmarie, Andrew
9:14 AM
Some people have been hitting the patatas bravas in a bad way. And the mother isn't that bad looking, if in a mannish way. Placing her beside the Uber-mannish Michelle was a good move so. Is Michelle wearing a monks cassock? This whole photo has an air of extreme recession asceticism: bring back glam I say!
...Talking of which, can we please compare this with the shot they took with the Cameroon president? This

...And to prove it, here she is rocking a ecumenical-stylee hat for Pope Pius earlier in the year.
to Neil, Andrew
9:23 AM
In fairness, I'm liking Michelle's frock. The glitzy bow injects a soupcon of 'yes we can' to an otherwise sober dress. And you cannot fault those killer pins.
I'm hoping Chantal was just caught blinking and not taking a cheeky nap. Perhaps she's smug in the knowledge that she's the only one boasting an eco-system in that stacked hair; or maybe a selection of travel size hair products. Handy that....
As for that statement hat, shouldn't there a law to state you can't out-Pope the Papa; much like a bride at a wedding? Speaking of which, imagine if she docked up to the church on your big day? The wedding photos would either bear a hazy shadow from the height of her hair; or a searing flash of light from her blinged out baubles. Still...she's one fierce b*tch. Gotta love her!
to Annmarie, Andrew
9:48 AM
On mature reflection I too like Michelle's frock. She actually looks fantastic beside Chantal, though am not sure that's saying much. Am surprised there are any weaves left in the western hemisphere with the amount Chantal must get through. I'm sensing an as yet untold news story where entire villages of women are having their hair shaved off just because Chantal has some glitzy reception that evening. And I can't imagine under what circumstances she'd be coming to my wedding (although 3rd world dictators could be an as yet untapped dating pool, having exhausted every other channel), but if she did the only approach would be to out-Biya her; although I'm not sure there is enough gold lamé in existence to manage that feat.