Monday 28 June 2010

The Great Speedo Debate

Today on The Tubridy Show we debated whether Irish lads showed any sartorial promise poolside. GAA jersies, sock/sandal combos and speedos were discussed; the latter which sparked my fascination into what the Aussie's term the budgie smuggler. Allegedly, the unforgiving swimwear garment is making a comeback, and if you can believe some hack in The Guardian - it's hem rise is index-linked to an uplift in the economy. I'm more fascinated by the following pointless facts:

  • Alton Towers banned the banana hammock last summer for being 'not appropriate for a family venue'.
  • There's been a 400% increase in searches for the word "Speedo" in the past six months, compared with the same time last year.
  • Aussies and Slavics are grand with the 'aul lolly bags; our American counterparts are less forgiving however (with the exception of Mark Spitz and Magnum PI).
  • Cristiano Ronaldo looks good in one.

Still not convinced? Blame Brazil. The most divisive beach fashion stems from Ipanema - home to the first male crochet g-string. Don't believe me? Check out the episode where The Simpsons go to Rio; even Homer is wearing one!

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