Thursday, 1 September 2005


Hurrah people! The editors of I am Fashion are proud to present you our brand new layout to celebrate the season of Fall/ Winter 2005. Taking inspiration from this season's trends (black, very dark, opulent and elegant,) we decided to only select such appropriate jewelry and change the background color to one of this season's main colors, grey.

On a very early Friday morning, Barneys Girl and a friend of ours -let's call her T for now -arrived at my room for the second editorial meeting I am Fashion has ever had. Minutes of the meeting:

  • Concluded the fashion features of British Vogue are better than US Vogue.
  • Cameras with only 3.2 mega-pixels are so not good enough, thus Barneys Girl will be buying a new camera with at least 5.0 mega-px v soon. (We used my handy 4.0 mega-px Canan iXus in the end.)
  • T: OK, what purple do you want.
    HG: How about this one? *moves the mouse to a v dark purple*
    BG: That is not purple.
    HG: Yes it is but fine, let's find a more purply purple.
    T: How about this one?
    BG & HG: Not dark enough.
    And the selection of purple continued...
  • T: You want the title in the center?
    BG & HG: Yes!
    HG: And shrink the title.
    BG: Shrink the quote. Oh, and the title is still one or two spaces off from the center.
    HG: Do the lines look too squished up?
    BG: Hmm...

    T sits and photoshops in pain.
  • HG decides that happy, Japanese pop music makes the atmosphere more creative and art studio-like, and decides to play even more J-pop.
  • T shifted the layout like, 5px many times upwards and downwards, until perfect.
  • T saved html of test templates and republished on Blogger more than 27 times. (And let me tell you, it was a BIG pain.)
  • At 1:15pm, BG, HG and T cannot believe the new background was finally done. T secretly sighed in relief while BG and HG did a happy wiggle. BG and T celebrated with lunch in a mall while HG went to do community service.
So here it is darling readers, the long-awaited and promised revamped site. (Err ya, sorry it took longer than expected.) Don't you all love it? Compliments are warmly welcomed and appreciated. (J/k) Barneys Girl and I thank our photoshop and html-knowledged friend, T for her help. And of course, we thank you all for continuing to read our blog! Love you all!

Ah, a few last words: jewelry in the background bought from Anna Sui, Bebe, Claire's, random Japanese accessories shops and Tiffany's.

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