Friday, 16 September 2005

The Shanghai Tang Fashion Show

So the other day I found myself at the Shanghai Tang Fashion Show. For those who don't know, it is a store that sells overpriced Chinese items including stationery, furniture, cups and fashion. You might have heard of it since it has stores all over the world including New York, London, Hong Kong and Paris. In fact, I was impressed to find that their stores are located in prestigious addresses such as Madison in NY and Sloane in London.

Anyway, enough of the background knowledge. Firstly, I apologize for not bringing a camera to the event. Now I only have photographed pages of this catalogue to assist my narrative. Set in a posh looking restuarant, the entrance was filled with paparazzi's snapping pictures of famous people I haven't heard of (mostly). Stepping inside the venue, I was handed multiple glasses of champagne by waiters at the foyer and led into the reception area where I was surrounded by beautiful young people, ladies all done up (its amazing what plastic surgery can do) and businessmen.

After sipping champagne for half an hour, we were finally led into the main room where the fashion show was to be held, which btw was disappointingly small and obviously not designed for the comfort of the crowd. Even the front row seats (filled with 2 models I actually recognized and other people who I assume are important people) looked cramped.

Then the show finally started and craning my head through the crowd, I saw the models doing the runway in 4 inch heels that look most unnatural and outfits that only a model can look fabulous in.

Another interesting thing is the fact that there were more western models than Asian models. One would think that Asian models would be more suited to model clothes with the Oriental flair. But as you can see from the pictures here, even the catalogue was taken with a western model. Guess they're not targeting for the Asian market. . . Anyway, despite that, I loved it, because I just love the buzz, the energy and the glamour of fashion shows.

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