Fashion gaydar alert! Once more Neil, I am humbled by your sartorial sixth sense. Your cheque is in the post...
P.S. A special mention to Neil's source - The WOW Report
P.P.S. Loving the turban although it has to be said, I've been working that trend like a Times Square pickpocket. Snaps to me!
From: Neil
To: Annmarie
The internet has finally cottoned on to a fierce new fashion diva rockin the Kasbah: it's the fabulously named Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned of Quatar, and the only thing longer than her name is her haute couture shopping list. And why not? What else do you do if you're wife number three? Her style rule is monochrome colours only and yes, while it may be easy to dress well when you're funded by two billion barrels of crude oil, nevertheless it's a refreshing change from GaGa's budget use of household duct tape or worse, thrifty art students. I'm off out to buy a lottery ticket...
Blog post here: http://worldofwonder.net/2010/
More pics here:
Pic: courtesy of The Wow Report - WOW indeed!