Remember when local ladies would sell beauty products door-to-door? No? Maybe it's just me - old bag that I am. Anyhoo...my mother and aunt used to heart
'Royal Velvet' - an
Oriflame skin cream that was big back in the seventies. You could imagine the giddy nostalgia when I got my hands on a jar just recently. Unlike its contemporaries, Royal Velvet is not 'revolutionary' and doesn't boast any fancy science language. It even smells like the seventies which isn't a ringing endorsement but I decided to give it a go. What the modest moisturiser failed to impart is that it brightens your skin, giving even the most tired face a fresh glow (even if it does sting your peepers a bit). After scouring the pack for a hot tip on the ingredients I could find nothing save that it is 'enriched with Iris Isoflavones extract and SPF15'. I'm convinced their withholding info, as this little jar of joy is nothing short of a minor miracle. Get your cheap and cheerful nod to the seventies for €24.60 at
Offer does not include door-to-door sales lady.