I am shocked and saddened at the passing of one of Hollywood's most iconic legends - Liz Taylor. Arrestingly beautiful, talented and passionate, her roles both on and off screen have inspired so much and so many. I once acted in a university production of
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and literally studied her role as Martha endlessly. Of course, there wasn't a hope in hell I'd ever be able to approximate such chaotic raw energy (those scenes with Richard Burton are so messy; so brilliant!) but that Southrern rawness never ceased to amaze me. Let's not forget her role as Cleopatra (again with Burton), her unparalleled role as ambassador in generating awarenss of the HIV/AIDS virus, adoration of diamonds, collection of husbands (good woman!) and oh, those violet eyes. Ms. Taylor, you most certainly were one helluva dame! R.I.P. x
The Legend |
Pic: Richard Avedon
 | Cleopatra | | | |