Wednesday 31 August 2011

Signs You're Getting Old(er)...

It's happening whether you like it or not. Here are some of the signs.

Karl Lagerfeld for Hogan - how come he gets away with it?
  1. Street style blogs leave you bemused at why girls wear parkas with bare winter.

  2. You’ve used any of the following words alone, in conjunction with another or together in an exclamatory rage in a clothing store: too...short, fitted, high, low, bright, busy, Jersey Shore.

  3. You secretly admire Kate Middleton for popularlising kitten heels and wedges.

  4. You find yourself saying, “I never used to shop in LK Bennett but....”

  5. You can’t understand the relationship between tights and shorts (see: #1).

  6. The midi skirt is your friend.

  7. You experienced the `70s, `80s and `90s trends the first time around....and they sucked then.

  8. The last time you spent €1,000 on something, it was last month’s mortgage.

  9. You don’t know whether to loathe or love Mary Kate Olsen for making falling out of bed look socially acceptable.

  10. Finish the following sentence. Malls make me: twitch, give me crowd blindness; erase my will to live.

  11. Word association time! Granny chic, oversized and ironic = Young, thin and clueless.

  12. Ripped tights, matted hair and chipped nail varnish were synonymous with the walk of shame in your day.

  13. Finish the following sentence. I love the colour black because: it’s chic, it make me look thin; it stops me from having to think.

  14. You refer to colours in terms of ROYGBIV; not the local farmer’s market – raspberry, mint, salmon, chocolate, espresso.

  15. You thought The Devil Wears Prada was a spoof.

  16. Alaïa is an untruthful person from Boston.

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