Since I've discovered the joys of the Nike+ GPS app, I've actually been running. I know! Who'd have thought? It's not just a pretty iPhone icon or for tracking calories while window shopping. The nifty thing about this piece of techno non-gym wizardry is the Power Song button for when one's will to live has been sapped. You know that last half mile where you'd rather walk / crawl / curl into a ball and rock yourself gently? Well, circumlocution aside, three artists keep rearing their heads on my homeward stretch. Hole, The Donnas and Princess Superstar. Although disparate, there's a certain rauch that tethers these three; not least their idiosyncratic styles - kinder whore, `70s high school seniors and Lower East Side club kid. I wonder what kind of hybrid fashion statement that would make in a mash-up? I digresss. Check 'em out below...
Hole |
The Donnas |
Princess Superstar |