Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

It's been a bad news week folks. Apart entirely from strikes, budget cuts and football fouls, the recent horrific flood damage warrants a serious pick-me-up; or maybe just an Ark°. Ark° is a new ethical Irish clothing brand pioneering positive social action through fashion. Standing for Acts of Random Kindness, the idea is that you perform one ARK every time you wear the clothing. Not only is Ark° the first clothing range in the world to allow people to look good while doing good, it also has a purpose other than profit. Instead of profits going toward personal gain, they are reinvestment back into projects organised in Zambia, Nepal, the Phillipines, Melbourne, and even Connemara. If you're stuck for a Crimbo gift, why not give an Ark°. Heck, go the whole Noah and hug it out with Thierry Henry! Get yours @ ArkHQ.com.

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